Find your happiness
and learn to put you first.
Invest in your relationship with yourself
We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Let me be your advocate and show you a kinder, gentler way to treat the most important person in your life.
Improve your relationship with others
Be your best self, alone and with others, and cultivate deep and lasting friendships and relationships.
One of the most important relationships that we have is the one with ourselves. We have to really commit to learning who we are and Whose we are to achieve pure joy and self-love. We can only completely love someone else when we are our whole selves. Sonya R. McCurdy
I have been meeting with Sonya for a month now and I am so happy with the help she has provided me. She quickly recognized the exact balance of guiding and listening that I need and our meetings have been incredibly helpful for me. I can see that she has great intuition and insight into what would help me... so much so that when I doubt something would help but did the "homework" anyways, it resulted in a huge perspective shift for me. I would highly recommend her to anyone, especially deconstructing Christians and those with issues regarding their faith. ~M.A.
Sonya is absolutely amazing! She treats her clients with compassion, respect, kindness and warmth. She always seeks clarification and actively listens to everything I say and can point out things I don’t even realize myself! I find great ease in the open communication she maintains and the accepting and space and environment she always creates. It allows me to be vulnerable and completely open with my thoughts and feelings. I always leave my sessions with Sonya feeling motivated and more in tune with myself. ~F.A.
Sonya was very easy to talk to. That was something I worried about considering I’d never gone to therapy before. But, I was in great hands. I was able to be completely open with Sonya. She helped me work through family issues, work stress, and personal struggles. She offered the emotional and spiritual support that I needed throughout the holiday season. I’m so grateful to have been matched with an amazing therapist. ~M.Y.